oh hey there!

Chelsea Carbary Agency is a boutique marketing agency built to serve holistic health professionals & wellness brands with expert copy, design & strategy.



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If you’ve landed here, there’s a good chance you’re a health and wellness practitioner or small wellness team trying to grow your business. 

And…you’ve probably realized that doing so requires a LOT OF WRITING. 😴

You’ve got things like: 

  • Email Marketing
  • Wellness Blogs
  • Website Content
  • Sales Pages
  • Social Media Posts

And that brings us to a few big PROBLEMS:

  1. Your plate is already full
  2. Writing is NOT your forte

Which leaves you wondering:

“Should I hire a health and wellness copywriter?”

If any of that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place, friend!

Today we’re breaking down our top tips for hiring the best health and wellness copywriter, so you can get the most value out of your investment. 

And maybe even enjoy working with them too. 😉

5 Tips For Hiring a Health and Wellness Copywriter

1. Get Clear on Your Audience

This one has two parts. First, be sure that you have clarity on your target demographic / clients, but second – be sure you can clearly articulate this to your new health and wellness copywriter. 

You, as the business owner, should be absolutely clear on who you’re trying to speak to before hiring a health and wellness copywriter. 


Because a health and wellness copywriter can do a LOT of things, but they can’t tell you how to position your business or who your ideal clients are. 

You are responsible for clearly communicating these foundational aspects to them so they can crank out some amazing copy for you. 😉

Otherwise, the copy falls flat, lacks potency, and therefore won’t move people to action. And that, my friend, is not a good thing, because you’re looking to get the most out of your marketing dollars. 

Struggling with this type of clarity? 

As a boutique marketing agency, we have a marketing strategist, business mentor, and a team of experienced health and wellness copywriters, allowing us to jump in and help our clients gain clarity before diving into copywriting projects. 

2. Establish Your Goals & Objectives

Take the time to clearly define your project goals. Are you looking to create informative blog posts, engaging social media content, or persuasive sales copy? Do you need content that educates, inspires, or motivates? Are you feeling a bit lost? Hey – that’s perfectly okay, too!

A great health and wellness copywriter can help you get clear on your goals and objectives and provide valuable insights tailored to your needs. With their expertise, they can guide you through the process and help you articulate your vision effectively. 

So, if you’re feeling a bit uncertain or overwhelmed, don’t fret – the right health and wellness copywriter will be able to ask you specific questions to help you establish your goals.

3. Do Some Internet Stalking 

Okay, so how do you find a skilled health and wellness copywriter? 

Good question! 

We recommend one of two strategies: 

  1. Tap into your network and ask for referrals, or 
  2. Do a simple Google search for “health and wellness copywriter”

Once you’ve made a list of potential copywriters, it’s time to sleuth around:

  • Take a look at their client testimonials
  • Read the copy they have on their own website
  • Click through to the websites of their clients 
  • Check to see if they have repeat clients – that’s a good sign!

And above all else, trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel quite right, it’s okay to keep searching until you find the perfect match.

4. Chat With Potential Health and Wellness Copywriters

Once you’ve researched at least a couple of health and wellness copywriters, you can dive a little deeper. Book a free call, and take advantage of that time to get your questions answered. You also want to take note of their personality – especially if this is someone you anticipate working with on an ongoing basis. 

Feel free to ask them why they chose to “niche down” as a health and wellness copywriter, as opposed to being a more general copywriter. What do they like about working with clients in this industry? Pay attention to how they articulate their ideas and how well they listen to your needs and preferences.

We offer a free 20-minute call, which you can book here

5. Understand The Value of A Good Copywriter

When it’s time to discuss pricing, always remember – quality aligns with cost. What seems like a bargain today may turn out to be an expensive mistake down the road. Because our team is made up of skilled marketing experts with many years of experience, we are not cheap. 🙂 But we are worth it! 

We work collaboratively to get our clients the results they want, whether that be ranking #1 on Google, growing their email list, or selling out their next online course. 

We offer monthly retainers that allow us to function as an extension of your business, and also VIP Weeks that allow us to work on specific project deliverables like email sequences, websites, and sales pages. 

Here’s our Services & Pricing Guide, if you’d like to take a look around!

Health and Wellness Copywriter vs General Copywriter

One last piece of advice – and it’s an important one! Don’t underestimate the difference a niche (or specialized) health and wellness copywriter can make. Sure, a general copywriter can get the job done, but they simply cannot bring the same depth of insight to the table. 

Our specialized health and wellness copywriters are already fluent in your field, which means less explaining for you. They have a good pulse on the industry and personal experiences with overcoming health conditions outside of conventional methods. 

For these writers, it’s not just business; it’s personal. They follow health influencers, listen to health podcasts, and read health blogs regularly – all of which give them relevant content ideas, meaning less direction is needed from you. 

They also have the ability to search PubMed and incorporate citations into your content, bringing credibility to your blogs, emails, and social media posts. And given your shared passions, you’ll probably get along with them better! 

Ready To Connect With a Health and Wellness Copywriter?

When you bring a health and wellness copywriter on board, you’re not just getting someone to churn out words – you’re getting a partner who can elevate your brand, get you in front of the people you’re here to serve, and help your business grow. 

And if that sounds good to you, we’d love to be considered. 

We are a small team of marketing experts, dedicated to working with health and wellness practitioners, holistic health experts, and wellness brands. 

We currently have three amazing health and wellness copywriters on the team, and we’d love to explore what’s possible for you and your business. 

You can fill out an inquiry right here, and we’ll get back within 2 business days, or simply send us an email at hello@chelseacarbary.com, and we can help you figure out which of our service offerings makes the most sense. 

We also invite you to look at our Reviews Page, which is full of happy clients, and health and wellness copywriter testimonials. 

We look forward to chatting about your need for a health and wellness copywriter! 

5 Tips For Hiring a Health and Wellness Copywriter

Ready to make a splash

Whether you're a brand new health coach, established practitioner, or small wellness team, we're to help to you grow with copy, design & strategy.

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A boutique marketing agency built to serve health professionals & wellness brands with expert copywriting, design & strategy, so they can live with more freedom + flexibility. 🥂